News & Updates

LEP Wins Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity Award

Low English Proficiency Nurse Communication Tool; Christina Calamaro, PhD; Michael Fundora, MD; Morgan Greenleaf; Santiago Arconada Alvarez; Wilbur Lam, MD, PhD

By AppHatchery | May 2024


Seminar at the Informatics Lunch & Learn Series

We have given a talk at the Informatics Lunch & Learn series about our newest project, Fabla. Fabla is a platform to conduct daily diary research using audio. Watch it here

By AppHatchery | November 2023

HomeTown Highlighted by Georgia Tech Engineering Magazine as Innovation Fighting Cancer

A mobile app to aide families in managing of cancer predispositions was developed between the AppHatchery and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Read the article

By Georgia Tech | Aug 2023

Publication Accepted to JMIR

Our MAMALOVE project was published in the JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting as a web tool to help birthing parents in decision making surrounding symptoms related to pregnancy. Read the paper

By AppHatchery | Aug 2023

Publication Accepted to Pediatrics Blood & Cancer

Our HomeTown project was published in the Pediatrics Blood & Cancer journal as the first-of-its-kind mobile app to support families manage a cancer predisposition Read the paper

By AppHatchery | July 2023

Welcome Summer 2023 Interns!

We are incredibly excited to have our second intern cohort this Summer to work on our TB Diagnostics, Covid prediction tool, and audio diaries app. Welcome Haisley, Ritz, and Jayce!

By AppHatchery | May 2023

Santiago Highlighted as Staff Spotlight at Emory SOM

Santiago was highlighted at the Emory School of Medicine for his work at the AppHatchery. Join us in congratulating him!
Read the full article

By Emory University | May 2023

Publication Accepted to JMIR

Our HerHeart project is undergoing a clinical trial to assess its impact. The preliminary data and development process has been published in the Journal for Internet Mobile Research. Read the paper

By AppHatchery | December 2022

PulseOX App Highlighted by CLIC

App Hatchery developed the Pulse Ox Tool, an innovative app for smartphones that automates the Pulse Oximetry Screening test and offers a more efficient way to screen newborns for CCHD.
Read the article

By GeorgiaCTSA | December 2022

PulseOx App (Re)Launched

The AppHatchery team updated an released a new version of this app to help rapid and accurate interpretation of pulse oximetry findings obtained as part of newborn screening for critical congenital heart disease (CCHD). Read the article

By AppHatchery | December 2022

AppHatchery Secures U54 NIH Funding For Additional 5 Years

AppHatchery's partent organization, the Georgia CTSA, was granted $58.6 million over the next 5 years to advance clinical and translational science.
Read the announcement 

By AppHatchery | October 2022

Nurse/Patient Communication Update

Our Nurse/Patient Communication Tool and team of designers has been highlighted in the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta internal magazine.
Read the article

By GeorgiaCTSA | June 2022

Poster Presentation at ASPHO '22

We presented the HomeTown app at the American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology in Pittsburgh. The conference went well and the project received a lot of interest from many of the Genetic Counselors and Cancer Predisposition physicians.
Read our submission

By AppHatchery | May 2022

Welcome Summer 2022 Interns!

We are incredibly excited to have an intern cohort this Summer to work on our maternal mortality, nurse communication, and diabetes projects. Looks like it's going to be a busy Summer!

By AppHatchery | May 2022

Poster Presentation at Southeast Regional CTSA '22

The regional Southeast CTSA conference was the perfect place to present SERVE. We shared our research findings from traumatic injury patient interviews at Grady hospital and the design process for our mobile app intervention. View our poster

By AppHatchery | March 2022

The TB Guide is Twitter-Famous

We launched the Georgia TB Reference Guide App live on the AppStore and Playstores just this month and it's received some publicity from some key figures in the field of Infectious Diseases.
Learn more about the app

By AppHatchery | March 2022